We offer an induction to dendrology or study of wooded plants and their importance for our planet. The programme lasts a few hours and is designed for families with children and/or adults. To complete the programme you will have an opportunity to climb some of the finest trees in the vicinity. Under the supervision of professional instructors and with the use of proper equipment and your muscles, you will be able to look at our forest from a highly unorthodox perspective. Lots of positive vibes, laughter and edutainment guaranteed. It is a great idea for an unforgettable afternoon in W Drzewach!


We invite you to take part in a trip to the environs of Nałęczów stopping at Wąwolnica, Niedrzwica, Bychawa, Bełżyce, and Wojciechów where the finest and the most curious tree species can be found. You will also learn a great deal about modern dendrology and the natural history of the wooded species from a professional guide.


During a few hours’ long programme your will see how rough wooden logs are transformed into objects of everyday use by means of chainsaws.
Your instructor will show you the ropes of wood technology and under his supervision you will be able to make simple furniture. Naturally, you can take your creation to decorate your home or garden.